Onsite Training

World-class training from Redback at your location.

With on-site training from Redback, it's easy to ensure that your team has the right skills to maximize your technology investment. If you've got several people to train in the same technology, or you need training customized for a non-standard technology deployment, there's no need to travel for the training you need. On-site training saves money by eliminating travel and hotel expenses. You also enjoy greater flexibility and more control, factors that can provide stronger results.

Benifits of On-site Training

No need to travel
Customized Training
Minimize downtime
Consistent learning experience
Courses can be planned around individual and department schedules and delivered inany format
Get all employees on the same wavelength

Your organization reaps the rewards financially

Factor in the cost of multiple registrations and you generally save money with a class of five or more participants. Plus, eliminate staff travel time and cost when you let us come to you.