Top 10 Technologies of 2022

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Top 10 Technologies of 2022

We know that careers based on today’s digital technology won’t change as fast as the way technologies evolve. However, in this 21st century, IT professionals should constantly be learning and upskilling to match up with the job descriptions posted on all major job portals across the world as it is all a huge part of the future technology. If you take a look at these portals, you can clearly make out that the majority of jobs are related to the trending technologies of the day. Here, we are going to discuss the top 10 latest technologies that are job-oriented and can offer lucrative careers for the aspirants. Let us get into the discussion right away!

These are the top 10 latest technologies of 2021:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Intelligent Apps
  • 5G
  • Machine Learning
  • Blockchain
  • Cognitive Computing
  • Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
  • DevOps

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a trending technology that takes first place in the list of top 10 latest technologies in computer science of 2021. AI technology involves machine intelligence, which is as smart and intelligent as the human brain and reacts like humans.

Today, AI contributes to society numerously, for example, in the form of virtual assistants such as Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, and Alexa.

The opportunities and salaries available for AI professionals are immensely high in the world right now. According to Paysa, the average annual salary of an Artificial Intelligence Engineer earn is US$171,715.

Moreover, Artificial Intelligence technology is everywhere, from text mining, web mining, healthcare, banking, entertainment, self-driving cars, and smartphones to homes. These are the reasons that it remains at the top position in the list of the trending technologies of 2021.

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another popular and trending technology that allows us to automate business processes. RPA neither requires coding for development nor direct access to the database. It has a list of commands executed by bots under some standard set of business rules.

The uses of RPA are as follows:

  • Performs various tasks
  • Automated report generation
  • Emulates human actions
  • Audits and validates the information
  • Quality assurance

According to Indeed, the average salary of RPA Developers ranges from US$92,176 to US$98,472 per year. Therefore, ‘RPA Developer’ is a lucrative career to opt for.

If you are looking for jobs in the field of RPA, then learn RPA through Intellipaat’s RPA Training.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, objects, digital machines, animals, or people that have unique identifiers (UIDs), and this technology can transfer data over a network without human-to-human or human-to-computer interactions.

There are many uses of IoT technology. This trending technology is used in the processes of developing the following:

  • Smart homes
  • Smartwatches
  • Smart cities
  • Connected cars
  • Digital health

Coming to the salary part, IoT also offers a promising career. According to the statistics of Indeed, in the United States, the average salary of IoT Engineers is US$165,394 annually.

Intelligent Apps

Intelligent Apps are applications that make use of historical and real-time data from user interactions and many other sources to make predictions and suggestions.

Different AI components, such as Machine Learning, robotics, general intelligence, expert systems, and NLP, are used in developing Intelligent Apps.

Some of the Intelligent Apps we are using in our daily lives are Alexa, Siri, Google assistant, Ada Health, Netflix, Seeing AI, and ELSA.

As mentioned, developing Intelligent Apps comes under Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, the salary will be somewhere similar to that offered to an Artificial Intelligence Engineer.

Want to land your dream job? Check out these top skills for resume that might land you your dream job.


5G is the Fifth Generation mobile broadband, beyond Long-term Evolution (LTE) mobile networks. It is a game-changer and a trending technology, that improves our network connections. Through this, we will get faster, stable, and more secure connections. Hence, shortly, we will have 5G mobiles in our hands.

Some of the applications of the 5G network are:

  • Improved broadband
  • IoT
  • Healthcare advancements
  • Remote device control
  • Autonomous vehicles

To become a 5G Telecom Engineer, candidates need to be good at technical skills and they should have a good understanding of the advanced technologies, such as SON, mobile edge computing, network slicing, mesh network, etc.

Coming to the salary part, as per the analysis of Indeed, the approximate salary of 5G Telecom Engineers in the United States is ranging from US$49,327 to US$104,396 per year.

Machine Learning

Machine Learning (ML) is a set of algorithms that find and apply patterns to data. ML is a trending technology that discovers rules causing a problem by using the data and finding a solution to that problem.

Machine Learning is divided into four different types; they are:

  • Supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning
  • Semi-supervised learning
  • Reinforcement learning

Uses of Machine Learning in our day-to-day lives include:

  • Social media services
  • Email spam and malware filtering
  • Online customer support
  • Online fraud detection
  • Search engine result refining

According to the statistics of Glassdoor, the average salary of a Machine Learning Engineer in the United States is US$114K per year.

To know about Machine Learning in-depth, sign up for Intellipaat’s Machine Learning Course today!


Blockchain technology is an entirely new way of documenting data on the Internet. Sometimes, it is also referred to as distributed ledger technology (DLT). The information recorded on Blockchain is distributed but not copied, and it can be in any form, such as ownership of something, someone’s identity, a transaction, etc.

This upcoming and trending is the backbone of developing applications for the following:

  • Messengers
  • Voting systems
  • Market prediction
  • Storage platforms
  • Games

According to Glassdoor, the average Blockchain Developer salary in the United States is around US$76,526K per year.

Cognitive Computing

Cognitive Computing technology integrates with certain concepts in Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as natural language processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), reasoning, speech recognition, etc., that help in improving human decision-making.

Some of the features of this trending technology are given below:

  • Interactive
  • Stateful
  • Adaptive
  • Contextual
  • Iterative

The advantages of Cognitive Computing are as follows:

  • Improved customer interactions
  • Accurate data analysis
  • More efficient business processes

The disadvantages of Cognitive Computing are as follows:

  • Adoption
  • Security
  • Lengthy development cycles
  • Change management

To become a Cognitive Computing Engineer, candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • They should be good at building apps.
  • They need to be more innovative.
  • They need to have good knowledge of the latest technologies.

As we come to the salary part, as per Glassdoor, the approximate salary paid to Cognitive Computing Engineers in the United States is around US$92,046 per year.

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is the next big thing in the world. This modern technology generates sounds, realistic images, and other sensations that will leave you in a spectacular imaginary world.

It is used in two different ways as below:

  • Augmented Reality is used in enhancing and creating an imaginary world for the purpose of entertainment and gaming, for example, 3D movies, video games, etc.
  • It is also used in training software and people to work in real-life environments by creating a simulation of the reality where they can be trained beforehand, for example, flight simulators for pilots, etc.

Augmented reality is a trending technology that can develop apps on mobile devices to blend digital components with the real world. It is used in pop-out 3D emails, text messages, photos, etc., and it also displays score overlays on telecasted sports and games. There is much more in store!


‘DevOps’ is an enterprise software development phrase, which has emerged from the terms ‘Development’ and ‘Operations’ of the software development life cycle (SDLC) and is a part of the Cloud technology. As the name suggests, DevOps encourages collaboration, communication, automation, and integration among the IT operations team and the developers to improve the quality and speed of delivering software. It is considered the offspring of the agile software development method.

Benefits of DevOps, a trending technology, are mentioned below:

  • Reliability
  • Scaling power
  • Rapid development
  • Fast delivery
  • Security

As per Glassdoor, the average salary of a DevOps Engineer in the United States is around US$99,604K per year.